Personaly, I Prefer the Air

During my time at ASU, I worked a lot with Rhinoceros, and I loved it. Very intuitive software, easy to learn and understand. I began working on some models that weren’t characters, as I’d recently placed an order for Makerbot’s Z18 3D printer. Words cannot describe how excited I am to be receiving such a wonderful device. Doesn’t ship until the end of April, though, so that gives me time to work on printable models.

As you may have discerned from the title, I’m working on a vehicle from Star Fox to compliment the Landmaster 3D sketch I made last year. Tonight’s creative hour was supposed to be a speed model… only, it wasn’t a creeative “hour” and it wasn’t a “speed” model. I suppose you’ll just see what I mean… I don’t have any pictures yet and I’m too lazy to take some as of now.

About Draconius

Le rawr!!
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