Sissmuth the Dragonborn Profile

Sissmuth was my first OC and I love him very much. He’s been my roleplay character across many games and was so badass, he was the final boss in the D&D campaign I used him in. So yeah… kinda attached. However, every time I use him in a game, I update his design, because I absolutely ADORE seeing how characters evolve and grow between stories. It’s interesting, trying to come up with a backstory that encompasses all of the campaign he’s been in…

This was just a vectorization of a sketch I did back in February, but forgot to scan it in and post here. I hope to someday be able to make a 3D model of him.

Scanned Image 17Sissmuth_v3

About Draconius

Le rawr!!
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1 Response to Sissmuth the Dragonborn Profile

  1. gunner1425 says:

    Ah, the face of Sissmuth. Oh how I remember this guy from the RPGs we used to do! Immediately he comes off very tribal-esque. Kind of reminds me of the Predators considering the shapes of the head and the “dreads” in the back.

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